Trademark Registration
Our Firm Deepali A. Sadavarte and Associates will help you with Trademark Registration, Rectification, Renewal, and other related services.
What is a Trademark?
A trademark may be a word, sign, and symbol or even graphic that is applied to a company, goods or services to distinguish them from those of the competitors.
Why Register Trademark
- Trademarks protect your brand and goodwill, products, and services. They give uniqueness to your brand, rather it helps you to create a Brand value
- The owner of the Registered Trademark enjoys exclusive rights over the trademark
- It makes it easy for customers to find your products or Services
- It gives recognition to the quality of the product or Service
- Once the trademark is registered you can use the ® symbol on your logo stating that it is a registered trademark and no one can use the same trademark
Trademark RegistrationServices
- Trademark Registration
- Trademark Rectification
- Trademark Renewal
- Trademark withdrawal
- Trademark hearing process
Contact us forTrademark Services